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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Year 1OD

Tag Rugby

Today (Monday 2nd March) we had an exciting tag rugby taster session. Along with Miss Cormican’s class, we had 40 minutes on the field learning how to play tag rugby. First some of us practised being defenders and trying to catch people’s ‘tails’. The rest of us had to get past the defenders by tricking them or running really fast. After we had practised this we then got to use a rugby ball too. We had to get past the defender and then score a try. We had lots of fun!

Science Day

On Wednesday 5th February we celebrated Science Day as a school. After an exciting assembly we started the day with a visit from Tesla cars. We had two cars on our playground and the visitors told us all about the electric cars and how they are good for our planet. One of the cars could even dance! The visitors were very kind and they gave us two mini electric cars to keep.


After that, we did some science experiments in class. We used food colouring to look at the taste buds on our tongue and we also worked in partners to try and make the strongest boat.  At the end of the day, the whole school went outside and we had a volcano competition. Over the last week we have been building our own volcano and trying out different ways of making it erupt!  It was such a fun day. We loved being scientists!


Today Year 1 have been making sandwiches. In Literacy this week we have been learning all about instructions and today Miss Odell gave us instructions of how to make a sandwich. Tomorrow we are going to try and write our own set of instructions to tell somebody else how to make a sandwich. It was lots of fun and we even got to eat them at snack time!

Judaism Week

Today was the start of Judaism week at school. We started the day with a visit from Mrs Elijah. Mrs Elijah shared with us the story of Moses. We learnt that when Moses was a baby his mother hid him in the bulrushes from the evil pharaoh. Moses survived and became a great leader. This week we are going to learn even more about Moses and the Jewish religion.


All Saints Church

As part of our current RE topic we have been learning about Baptism. On Friday 18th October Year 1 went on a trip to our church, All Saints. Father Christopher met us at the church and showed us how a real baptism takes place. We saw the font, the shell that is used to wash away sins and the two types of special oil that are used too. Some children were chosen to help Father Christopher act out a baptism so that we could see what it would be like. We learnt a lot from this trip!

Wendover Woods

Today (30th September) we went on our first Year 1 trip. As our first topic has been ‘Into the Woods’ our teachers thought it would be a good idea to visit Wendover Woods. After an exciting journey on the coach we started our trip by going on a ‘Gruffalo hunt’. We had to use a map and follow the route to find all of the animals from the Gruffalo. We saw lots of exciting things in the woods while on our walk. At the end of the walk we even found the Gruffalo! After some lunch we went to a den building area. We worked as teams to build dens for the different animals that we thought might live in the woods. Before we went home we were lucky enough to have a little bit of time in the play area too! What an exciting day we had!


On Monday 23rd September 10 eggs were delivered to our class in an incubator. We looked after them and by Friday all of the eggs had hatched and we moved them into the brooder box. Each day we have been looking after them by cleaning them out; giving them fresh water and food. Once they were a bit bigger we even made a run for them and got to hold them very carefully. We have loved having the chicks in our class.
