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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

World Book Day 2015

World Book Day 2015

Our World Book Day celebration was a great success, with children and staff dressed as their favourite book character and children bringing to school a book that they have enjoyed reading. The day started with an assembly led by visiting author, Charlotte Guillain. She read us a book which she and her husband have written called ‘Pizza for Pirates’ which is currently unpublished. It was a brilliant story. Every class had a workshop or story with Charlotte throughout the day, with Key Stage 2 classes concentrating on non-fiction writing.


Each class had a lovely day, with a variety of activities, including making paper plate masks, making papyrus (Egyptian style!), creating illustrations with oil pastels and making a book cover. Parents joined in with the fun too by reading a story to some of the classes.


We’re looking forward to next year’s celebration already!
