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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Holy Spirit Day

Holy Spirit Day 2016

We had a wonderful day celebrating Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Christian Church. During the day, the children explored ideas and developed their RE skills through a variety of cross-curricular activities.


Elevate Dance Company worked with Year 5 and 6 to develop a dance piece linked to the fruits of the Spirit. Rev Brian Stocker from St Andrew’s Baptist Church lead our assembly then worked with children to explore the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. Maryann from St Mary’s Children’s Ministry made a flaming hands collage with the younger children to celebrate the Church’s birthday and the Bridgebuilder Trust set up quiet and reflective prayer spaces for the older children to spend time in prayer and meditation.


Some children went on a scripture hunt and others learned a liturgical dance; Year 4 worked on their Spirited Stitches project and Year 5 wrote poems. There was a musical interpretation of the Pentecost Story, drama, hats, weaving, doves, singing, artwork and much more. Every class had the opportunity for writing and saying their own prayers, for meditation and for celebrating the wonderful presence of God as Spirit. 
