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St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School

“I have called you by your name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

50th Celebrations

50th Street Party

Mass - Bishop Peter

On Monday 20th November 2017, Bishop Peter came to school to celebrate our 50th birthday year with the children. We had a fantastic Mass with beautiful singing and an inspiring homily from the Bishop. We also welcomed Canon Michael Harrison, a pupil here on the first day that the school opened, Father Benedetto and Deacon Noel who came to celebrate with us. As an extra treat we sang Happy Birthday to our school and Year 6 sang ‘Thank You for the Music’ for the Bishop, his favourite song.


The weather remained dry and we all gathered outside as Bishop Peter planted the first fruit tree in our orchard. It is a golden quince tree which was blessed in the hope that it would bear much fruit in the future. Fr Christopher, Mr Mundy and Mrs Stormonth added soil to nourish the tree saying that it represented the children as they grow in Christ’s love.


Staff, governors and clergy enjoyed a delicious lunch and a special cake while the pupils had a fun afternoon of activities.


Happy Birthday St. Thomas Aquinas School.

50th Birthday Mass

A wonderful thanksgiving Mass to celebrate the 50th year of St Thomas Aquinas School was held on 5th October 2017 and past pupils, parents and staff were invited to join us. Fr Michael Harrison, a former pupil, spoke fondly of his early memories of the school and challenged us to inspire another young person to the priesthood.


After Mass, Mrs Pat White gave the school a very special gift – an apostolic blessing from Pope Francis on this special occasion.
